Liz Labianca Photography » Liz Labianca Photography

Spring Break

PINTHISOver spring break my amazing sister-in-law came into town with her 4 kids.  Now that would be enough to throw anyone over the edge…. until you meet my sister-in-law. I am not quite sure how she does it – but she has always been one of those moms who just has it all together. My brother travels all the time and works late – so she is basically doing it her self. Her house is ALWAYS organized her kids are calm and well- behaved. There is just a sense of order in her house… and the best is that she does it in a non-obsessive way. She isn’t that crazy mom who doesn’t let her house get dirty… she is just like a stealth machine in the way she picks up everything. Her twins are always matching… I can barely match my  sweet girls pajama tops to her bottoms. I am constantly amazed at the way she runs her household and wish that I had the patience that she has raising her kids. We had some time (go figure) to take some shots of the kids while they were here and I loved the way they turned out. We don’t get to see them as often as we like and my son said this morning that he wishes Connor and Parker  were his brothers…..hmmmmmm….maybe it is time to jump on that baby train one more time and give Hayden one more sibling.



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  • March 23, 2011 - 4:47 pm

    KellyT - You are way too kind Liz!!! The truth is I am just a little (o.k. a LOT) neurotic and OCD!!! I’m o.k. with it at this point…I figure by the age of 36 everyone has a “thing” and being crazy organized is mine! Love you and love the pics…am having so much fun going through them all. Each time I find something I didn’t see before…I promise not to ask you to edit too many :)))ReplyCancel

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